Gaurav Bhatnagar

Gaurav Bhatnagar is a mathematician who communicates the beauty of mathematics, engineers rich mathematical experiences for his students, and subjects them to a never-ending stream of bad jokes.


Recent posts

A Linear algebra story.

A good bet to lose? This story is about my Linear Algebra course offered in Spring 2023. This is the second time I am teaching this; this time its fully offline. The students are a mix. Some first years…

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Telescoping continued fractions

Krishnan Rajkumar (JNU) and I have a new preprint — on telescoping continued fractions. I have written previously on telescoping and several times on continued fractions, but this one is unique. I don’t think anyone has tried to combine…

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Older posts

Mummy's 90th birthday

My mother, Dr. Hem Bhatnagar, completed 90 years on October 28, 2019.  We asked her family and friends if they wished…

Thank you, Dick

From R to L (facing camera): Ae Ja Yee, Bruce Berndt, Dick Askey, Shaun Cooper, Michael Schlosser, and me At Alladi…

On Entry II.16.12 of Ramanujan

Bruce’s Return gift: A daily reminder of Ramanujan In June, 2019, I attended a very inspiring conference, held at the University…

A bibasic Heine transformation formula

While studying chapter 1 of Andrews and Berndt’s Lost Notebook, Part II, I stumbled upon a bibasic Heine’s transformation. A special…

Mathematics and Life: A Speech

On August 27, 2018, I was invited by the Millennium School, Noida to their investiture ceremony. I have previously taught mathematics…

How to discover the exponential function

Another article on the “How to discover/guess/prove/…” series written for a high school audience. The basic idea is to find a…


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